💳 småval is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors

is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.

is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.

is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.

is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.


The analog workflow for drawing up and managing an insurance
credit contract should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and
scanning contracts will be completely prevented.


The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.


The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.


The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.


The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.

My Role
Product Designer (UX & UI)

My role
Product Designer (UX & UI)

Project Team
Project Manager, Developers


In order to digitize analog processes, the workflow should not be just recreated – users need the feeling of familiarity in order to make a transition easier.

The tool must map a common workflow for two different target groups – broker and contractor. A large number of contracts can be created at the same time or within a short period of time. It must therefore be ensured that every contract and its status can be found quickly. Individual workflow steps must be presented transparently and quickly for brokers and contractors. 

Main Goals to Deliver:

  • Saving time for brokers by filling out digital insurance forms

  • No more waiting for documents being served by post

  • Easy access for users to all contracts at any time

  • The tool has to be developed as a white label solution (B2B)

What I did

To translate the analog workflow into a digital concept, I created user flows and wireframes for brokers and contractors individually. I divided the contract creation into several workflow steps so that the user wouldn’t be overwhelmed by the big amount of forms to fill out and also increase the workflow experience when filling out forms.

I also introduced a dashboard – now the user is able to keep a playful overview of the status of individual contracts (e.g. waiting for upload / approval, concluded contracts).



The dashboard gives a quick overview of open or finished insurance contracts for brokers.


Digital Product Management

Brokers are able to manage products and even create a new insurance credit product rigth away.


Creating a New Offer

The analog form has been simplified by splitting it in smaller parts for a better contract overview.


Access for Contractors

The web app access allows contractors to manage and always keep track on their insurances.


Are you ready to level up your product? Grab a virtual ☕ with me.

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