småval is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors
is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.
is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.
is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.
is an insurance credit web application for brokers and contractors.
The analog workflow for drawing up and managing an insurance
credit contract should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and
scanning contracts will be completely prevented.
The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.
The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.
The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.
The analog workflow for drawing up a insurance credit contract
should be digitized. Therefore printing, mailing and scanning
contracts will be completely prevented.
My Role
Product Designer (UX & UI)
My role
Product Designer (UX & UI)
Project Team
Project Manager, Developers
In order to digitize analog processes, the workflow should not be just recreated – users need the feeling of familiarity in order to make a transition easier.
Are you ready to level up your product? Grab a virtual ☕ with me.